
Having been depressed from my teenage years in to my mid-twenties, at times suicidal, I finally decided I had had enough. I hated feeling the way I felt. I hated the sadness, the anger, and the emotional and mental pain. I was sick and tired of suffering. I started out my journey looking for the answer to these questions:

Why do I feel the way I feel?and ‘How can I feel better?

I wanted peace. I wanted joy. I wanted to feel so damn good that it would radiate out of me.

After years of studying and practicing different teachings from people such as Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, A Course In Miracles, and Danielle LaPorte (just to name a few), I began feeling better. My depression episodes were happening less and less and are practically non-existent now. After years of being on my own self discovery journey, I realized that I was being called to share what I had learned with others.

It is my belief that some where along the way we become disconnected from our hearts, our soul, and who we really are. When we are living out of alignment of our True Self, we can become depressed, addicted, and live in a perpetual state of numbness or continual suffering.

Living connected to our heart, our soul, that inner part of us that we have been ignoring for far too long, is how we were meant to live. Now that I know how to live in that heart centered space more often (all though I’m still a work in progress), I want to share my insights and processes with you so you can have that for yourself.

I deserve it. You deserve it. We all deserve it.

I am a licensed Danielle LaPorte Heart Centered Facilitator, Certified Gene Keys Guide, and use other tools such as Numerology, Astrology, Human Design, Tarot and my own intuition in guiding You.

More personal about my daily life…

I am blessed to be mommy to my nephew Jake and my 2 sweet & spoiled furr-babies, Jaxon and Trixi. I love organizing and details, learning, and writing/ journaling. My most favorite thing to do is host parties and get-togethers. I just love when I am able to help others have a good time & feel good (cause feeling good is the whole point, right?!?!).

Other fun facts:

  • Astrology (True Sidereal Astrology) – Virgo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Aquarius Moon
  • Numerology – Life path 11/2
  • Human Design (Cosmic Human Design) – Mental Projector with Environmental Authority (no inner authority)
  • Obsessed with self-awareness, spirituality, and anything that helps me to live more authentically as my True SELF and then sharing that with others!

And Finally…

I am a human being. Practicing my spirituality while trying not to forget my humanity. While at other times practicing my humanity while not forgetting my spirituality.

Being obsessed with both. I am Soul Obsessed.