Soul Obsessed Post Claiming Your Power Starts with Self Compassion

Claiming Your Power Starts with Self Compassion

Sometimes we forget the things in our lives that we’ve overcome. We get so caught up in what’s happening right now and future trip in the worst ways (you know, that over analyzing and expecting the worst to happen before we know whether it will or not). We get anxious, stressed and are constantly worried.

We need to show ourselves some compassion. We’ve been through so much in our lives that we forget how powerful we really are.

Today’s journaling is about declarations + encouragements, kind notes, cheerleading yourself on, and taking a moment to be proud of yourself.

Here is how this is going to work…

Part 1: Remember a time that was really tough, or that you were really stressed and not sure how you were going to get through it.

Journal about how you got out of it. Whether you called on help, you invoked your own inner strength, you came up with a clever way to maneuver through it, or you simply let it go- remember how powerful, smart, and how much genius you really have within.

Next, recall and journal about how you felt when you got on the other side of that struggle… relief,  empowered, strong, smart, excitement.  

Part 2: What are you going through right now that you can use your previous experience to get through?

Journal about what the situation is, and how you can possibly get through it. Do you need to call on help? Are there other resources you can use (friends, family, selling stuff, taking time off to do what you gotta do)? Do you need to call in your own inner strength? Divine help and guidance?  (BTW, Divine help is always available to us- however, it’s up to us to ask for it and be ready and willing to accept the answer when it arrives, in whatever way it arrives). With this new perspective, now how do you feel about the situation?

Really take it in. Use this as a way to be kind to yourself, to be proud of yourself, and remember how powerful you really are. 

This is an important exercise because when we become grounded in our strength, we are cultivating our resiliency to overcome anything that comes up or happens in our lives.