Soul Obsessed Post A New Perspective on Being Stuck

A New Perspective on Being Stuck

It’s amazing when we get on a roll and are banging things out…

1. (check!) Done!

2. (check!) Done!

3. (check!) Done!

Buuuutttttt when we get to a place where we get stuck, it freaking sucks. No inspiration, not sure what to do, or how to do something, whatever the reason may be- it is not fun at all.

I know there have been several times in my life when I’ve gotten stuck as I’ve worked on projects and I usually think something is either “wrong” with me, or that there is something I need to “fix” to make things work, or I simply lose inspiration. For example, back in the summer last year (2021) I came up with an idea to create a Moon Journal. I researched the Moon for the next several weeks. I bought books, looked up the Moon Calendar for 2022, I even expanded my Moon rituals and practices to gain more experience so that I could share deep experiences for the readers expansion. After several months, my work and research began waning and I was no longer inspired with the project. I put it to the side and thought “I’ll come back to it next week”, however when I would… nothing.

What if being stuck is just the Universe’s way of making us take a pause?!?!?

I haven’t totally let go of wanting to create the Moon Journal, but I have “put it down” for now. This perception of what if being stuck is the Universe’s way of making us take a pause is a beautiful idea. It means nothing is wrong with me. I don’t need to make anything happen. I don’t need to fix anything or look for inspiration. I can just BE and allow for it to come when it’s ready.

I think we forget that really we aren’t in control. The Divine energy that is in everything knows when the timing is right. Maybe I need to learn more, experience more, maybe I am being protected from something that goes along with creating what I’m wanting to create, or just may be I need a rest. I don’t know the reason, and honestly it doesn’t matter. I just have to let go for now, and Trust it will happen when it’s ready to happen.

Is there something you’ve been stuck on lately? How are you handling it? What comes up for you when you read “being stuck is the Universe’s way of making you take a pause”?

Again, I know it is not a good feeling place to feel stuck, but if we change our perspective on what being stuck means, it may alleviate some of that unease and frustration.

I wish you many blessings. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “A New Perspective on Being Stuck”

    1. I’m glad this resonates with you. If you’d like to reach out simply click on “Get In Touch” at the top of the page. Blessings to you!

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