Soul Obsessed goals,law of attraction,Post How To Begin To Manifest Your Dream Life

How To Begin To Manifest Your Dream Life

Who doesn’t want to Manifest their dream life? But is it really possible? YES! It is! However, there are some things to know… like first of all it’s not an overnight thing. You don’t just wake up one day and “poof” you’re there. Manifesting is an inner working that takes time- it’s more like the compound effect- where small changes in your BEING daily and/or overtime compound in to big changes. So let’s get into it.

Manifesting is not about getting what you want. It’s about co-creating with the world within you and around you. Manifesting is truly about inner attunement for more meaningful outer attainment.

We’ve all been trained to measure our value with socialized quantifiables – grades, dollars, things, how much we weigh, or how many “likes” we have. It’s a constant cycle of division. The need to prove our self-worth is distracting us from the beauty of life. If you’re trying to manifest something particular in your life first gain clarity so that you can manifest from your Inner most Being. You are going after what you want, not so you can prove something (there is nothing to prove btw, you’re allowed to have what you want to have simply for the joy of experiencing it); but so you can create a more meaningful, healthy, joyful life and world for not only yourself but everyone around you.

Here’s the thing, when you create and manifest from your Inner Being, you’re creating with your Divine Source energy in its most potent form. When you create from your head space, you’re diluting your creative energy.

It’s time to get centered in your heart, connect with your Divine Nature, and co-create the world that wishes to be expressed through you.

First things first- It’s important to understand the difference between Vibration and Alignment. In short, Alignment is the connectivity between you and your Inner Being/ the Divine Source Energy of all there is. Vibration is your Inner Being in action, it’s your frequency. If you want to read more about this check out this blog post.

When manifesting, it’s helpful to be in alignment because it helps keep you in that feeling good receptive mode (where you’re more keenly aware of your emotional state and of your thoughts). However, the vibration you emanate is what attracts and manifests in your physical world.


Remember how before I said you have nothing to prove? It’s true. You are allowed to want what you want. When you desire something from your Inner Being that is the Divine letting you know there is something to be expressed as and experienced through you. It’s then your job to follow the inspired action to move towards the manifestation of those desires.

So gain clarity on whether what you’re desiring to manifest is out of a place of lack (not feeling good enough, needing to prove something) or from that deep Inner part of you.


Everything we do is driven by an innate desire to feel a certain way, get clear on what that feeling state is for you. Once you know what that feeling state is you can use it as part of your own guidance system. The closer you are to feeling your optimal feeling, the more of a vibrational match you’ll be to what it is you want to manifest.

Grab Your Journal!

Here are some prompts for you to create your own Manifestation Journal and get you started on your own conscious manifestation journey.

WHAT I WILL MANIFEST: Write out what you want to manifest and why you want it.

GRATITUDE: Take a moment to acknowledge all that you have already co-created in your life

AFFIRMATION: Write out positive statements that feel true and energizing about what you want to manifest

MOMENT OF SILENCE: Take time to visualize, breathe in, and feel your desires. Note anything that comes up in your silence

INTENTIONAL ACTION: What will you do, give, or experience to help amplify your vibration so that you can manifest faster?

This post is bits and pieces from the My Manifestation Journal that I created and sell on Etsy. If you want to go deeper, get your copy today!