Soul Obsessed goals,Post New Year, New Goals

New Year, New Goals

Make Plans But Don’t Be Bound By Them

Lately I’ve been contemplating on how do I live in the moment while planning for the future.

It felt like such a contradiction and my mind didn’t want to go there. It wanted to act as if I was fine, but in the depths I could feel my inner Being saying I needed to get clear and plan.

And under that, I could feel things like “what if I’m not going to make the right decision” and “what if others think I’m crazy or not good enough”.

It was those questions, those insecurities, that kept me from moving forward. See, my ego was making excuses disguised as “not being in the moment” that would hold me in fear and cause me to not take any actions (whether it was visioning, meditating, planning, or some other action to move me forward).

I had to figure out a way around these fears… I then remembered I had heard Eckhart Tolle talk about this before so I went straight to YouTube to find one of his talks. It was such a relief- I can follow Divine Guidance as it arises AND plan for the future.

The problem, Tolle said, is being attached to the future and past outcomes while making the plans. Be int he present moment. Don’t think about what it’s going to look like when you accomplish that thing, let God handle that. Your job is to show up and do the work as it is time to do it.

Let God and the Universe handle to outcomes.

Plan what you’re inspired to plan but always leave space for the Divine to adjust when and where needed. We are all given inspiration to act, and we do what we think we should to manifest that inspiration, but there are things we don’t know so we have to learn to trust that the Divine will adjust as needed with the unknown to fulfill that inspiration.

Trust. Believe. Receive. Achieve.