Soul Obsessed human design Living in Alignment, Journal for Your Human Design Type

Living in Alignment, Journal for Your Human Design Type

Right now I’m really obsessed with Human Design. I got my FREE chart done in November 2019 and have been researching it ever since. I even created a workbook that guides you in learning how to read your own chart!

Let me tell you why I am so into Human Design right now…

After I received my chart and read about my Type, Strategy, and Authority, so much made sense to me about the way I interact in the world.  I also did my hubby’s chart and our Type & Strategy are the same but we have different Authorities- his is Sacral so he gets his guidance right away as a gut response, and mine is Emotional Solar Plexus so I have to ride my emotional wave to wait for clarity before making decisions. This alone has been truly invaluable for us and our relationship! Knowing that he easily and quickly makes decisions and that I need time to make a decision helps us to understand and respect each other’s processes much better. It helps us communicate with each other better. This week’s invitation is for you to get your own chart done (it’s FREE) and begin understanding and practicing your own Type, Strategy, and Authority. Click Here to get a free chart from MYBODYGRAPH.COM. (I am not an affiliate, I just know this is a good website to use.) 

I have created some journaling prompts for you to do based on your Human Design Type. These prompts are meant to be reflections at the end of the day to see where you are in alignment and out of alignment with your Type.

Manifestor– What did I want to initiate today, and how did/ do I feel about it? Who could I I work with to help me with that “project”? And, who do I need to inform about me doing that “project”? These projects could be whatever inspiration popped in your head- like washing dishes or creating something (like a new art project).
Did I get angry today? If so, what were the circumstances? (Anger is your not-self state which means it shows up when you are out of alignment.)
Were there any moments I felt at peace today? What were the circumstances? (Peace is your signature state of feeling most fulfilled.)

Generator-What invitations did I receive today that I can/ could respond to? These invitations could be as simple as your spouse asking if you want to go to the store, you getting an invitation to a party, or something more subtle such as someone mentioning that they need to find someone to help them with getting their car fixed (you may know a mechanic to refer them to).
Did I feel frustration today? If so, what were the circumstances? (Frustration is your net-self state which means it shows up when you are out of alignment.)
Were there any moments I felt satisfied today? What were the circumstances? (Satisfaction is your signature state of feeling most fulfilled.)

Manifesting Generator– (see Generator) and then ask, Who do I need to inform about me doing this “project”?
Did I feel frustrated today? If so, what were the circumstances? (Frustration is your net-self state which means it shows up when you are out of alignment.)
Were there any moments I felt satisfied today? What were the circumstances? (Satisfaction is your signature state of feeling most fulfilled.)

ProjectorWhat was I invited to do today? And/or where did I receive recognition today? (Receiving recognition and being invited to share your gifts, you will be lit up to respond and do more of that.)
Did I feel bitterness in some way today? If so, what were the circumstances? (Bitterness is your not-self state which means it shows up when you are out of alignment.) 
Were there any moments that I felt success or successful today? What were the circumstances? (Success is your signature state of feeling most fulfilled.)

Reflector- What came up for me today that I really need to take my time to make a decision on? And, how do I feel about it?
Did I feel disappointment today? If so, what were the circumstances? (Disappointment is your not-self state which means it shows up when you are out of alignment.) 
Were there any moments I felt pleasantly surprised? What were the circumstances? (Surprise is your signature state of feeling most fulfilled.)

I hope you find this helpful as you begin your Human Design journey. I wish you many blessings, always.