Let’s start off with, I am a student of A Course in Miracles. The main idea in the teaching is that we are all one. What ever I do to others, I do to myself. Whatever I see in in others, I see in myself.
With this understanding and belief is where this knowing came from: When a cause grabs your attention, show up with your love not your suffering.
God nudges us in different ways. Sometimes it’s a weird/ off feeling we get when we meet someone. Sometimes it’s an idea that pops in our head. Other times it may be a tug at our heart. We have to learn to discern what each of those prompts mean, and know it’s not just the story we make up in our heads.
A Course in Miracles Workbook for Students, Lesson 2 states: I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me.
Lesson 4 states: These thoughts do not mean anything. They are like the things I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place].
If these lessons are true then everything I see and think are stories that I have made up.
This means when I see a story that is breaking my heart, I am listening to the story that my mind made up about the situation. Here is where learning discernment is important. Anytime something is causing us suffering, sadness, anger, frustration, we are listening to the stories in our head instead of listening to what God is telling us about what’s going on.
When God speaks to us, we feel peace, calm, and inspiration. We are going to feel a pull to act with compassion, not anger, or sadness, or pity. When listening with our hearts we understand the difference of someone expressing Love or if they are asking for Love. When people are asking for Love, that’s when God is tugging at us to offer our Love, to help, and to show up.
Let’s use the example of meeting someone new and we get that uneasy feeling inside. We aren’t feeling any suffering. We aren’t feeling sadness. We aren’t angry. We just know. We are at peace, have an inner calmness and are inspired not to carry on with this person. (The only time we may feel some of the other feelings in this type of situation is if we are highly sensitive and pick up on others vibes and emotions.) This is God saying that our vibes do not go together. And when we feel that, we are okay with it. There is no story in our heads about it.
When you see a story on the news that a tornado swept through and many families lost everything they owned, what feelings come up for you?
Your feelings are going to guide you in this situation. Are you angry that mother nature can be so cruel? Are you sad for those families because they don’t have anything left? These are stories you’re telling yourself. This is a reaction from your head, not your heart. These reactions can still inspire you to act and be helpful, but when you act from a place of anger and sadness or pity, you are going to bring that with you. As you are interacting with those people, you are sharing what you have and what you brought with you.
It’s not until you let go of those “negative” feelings and the stories in your head that you will actually heal the situation and the people you are serving. Only when we show up with our Love can the work of God, our inspiration, be truly transformational.
The inspiration to act is (almost) always from God, it’s just the stories we chose to carry with us that will determine how we really serve.
So how are you choosing to show up? What vibes are you sharing with the people around you? Are you there to bring more anger, fear, sadness, or love, compassion, and healing?
Contemplate on this and pray for guidance.
I wish you peace, love, and happiness. Always.